Whale Watching

One of my main bucket list items has always been to go whale watching. It was amazing. It was pretty much to get any still pictures of the Orcas but I have some videos that for whatever reason will not upload.  One reason I couldn’t get any close-up pictures is that there are laws for the distance you have to keep from the whales to respect their habitat.

We met at the docks at 8 am off we went with the group and marine guide. We learned that Whales can hear us, and know when we are near and will often show off. They tend to stay close to the shore which I didn’t know before, I always assumed they were further out in the Ocean. They followed our path and gave us a great view of them swimming. We even saw a mom with her babies.

We also saw some nasty smelling seals.

Here is a couple video of the whales, I hope they upload!

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